What is Rich Media Ad

Rich media is a digital advertising term for an ad that includes advanced features like video, audio, or other elements that encourage viewers to interact and engage with the content.

Rich media lets agencies create complex ads that can elicit strong user response. Using HTML5 technology, the ads can include multiple levels of content in one placement: videos, games, sign up forms from an ad, etc. If you have a simple objective to generate clicks or a more ambitious goal to create brand awareness, rich media is the format to go with.

Types of Adoveo Rich media Ads

Full size video ad

Dimensions of your video should be the exact same as banner's dimension. Best user experience. Requires separate videos for each banner size.

Interactive / Game ad

Quiz, Puzzle or other games inside banner.
Let people play with your brand to increase awareness and make ad more valuable. All Adoveo's campaigns optimized for in banner use.

Subscribe / Coupon ad

Reward your customers with discount or other offering. Collect leads directly in banner Reward or subscription confirmation will be sent by SMS or E-mail. That increase chance of conversion dramatically.

Single size video ad

Easiest way to make video ad happen. Requires one simple video. Logo, deal and call to action will be placed separately on free space.

Full Size video ad

In this case dimensions of your video should be the exact same as banner’s dimension

* All Video banners optionally can be covered with image, text, button, logo, etc. The overlay file should be sent separately as .png image with transparent background and banner dimensions.

Interactive / Game ad

In this case dimensions of your video should be the exact same as banner’s dimension

* All Video banners optionally can be covered with image, text, button, logo, etc. The overlay file should be sent separately as .png image with transparent background and banner dimensions.

Subscribe / Coupon ad

In this case dimensions of your video should be the exact same as banner’s dimension

* All Video banners optionally can be covered with image, text, button, logo, etc. The overlay file should be sent separately as .png image with transparent background and banner dimensions.

Single size video ad

For this type of banner you don’t need to produce different video files. Only one video needed.

* In all dimensions, banners have space left on sides. Those spaces should be covered with overlay including: text, clickable button, logo, etc. The overlay file should be sent separately as .png image with transparent background for the video in center and banner dimensions.